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Quad9 Sees Massive Growth In Blocked DNS Volume

Quad9 Sees Massive Growth in Blocked DNS Volume

60M blocks every day is the new “normal” Quad9’s free, open recursive DNS service blocks hosts, which contain malware, phishing, botnets, spyware, and a variety of other risks that try to defraud end-users, or harm their computers or networks. Millions…

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Help: My New COVID-19 Site Is Getting Blocked!

Help: My New COVID-19 Site is Getting Blocked!

In this time of collective fear and global turmoil, many government entities or health organizations are trying to coordinate with their communities about COVID-19 related topics. We at Quad9 applaud the efforts of governments and organizations around the globe trying…

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Quad9 Connect Now Available On Google Play

Quad9 Connect now available on Google Play

We are delighted to announce the open release of Quad9 Connect - a mobile app allowing the more than 2.5 billion global users of smartphones built on Android to use our free security and privacy-driven recursive DNS service to block access…

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DNS Flag Day

DNS Flag Day

Quad9 and DNS Flag Day Some of you may have seen announcements of Quad9's participation in the industry-wide "DNS Flag Day" event, slated for February 1, 2019. By participating in the Flag Day, we are confirming that our recursive resolvers…

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DoH With Quad9 DNS Servers

DoH with Quad9 DNS Servers

Getting Started with DoH and Quad9 Updated July 25, 2019 We're happy to announce Quad9 now has support for DNS over HTTPS (aka DoH). DoH is a secure DNS protocol that is getting a lot of traction lately. Mozilla announced…

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Enable Private DNS Using Quad9 On Android 9

Enable Private DNS using Quad9 on Android 9

You might have seen the news that Google released a new feature called Private DNS mode in Android 9 Pie. This new feature makes it easier to keep third parties from listening in on the DNS queries coming from your device…

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Quad9: DNS कैसे काम करता है

Quad9: DNS कैसे काम करता है

हमारा Quad9 वीडियो अब हिंदी में उपलब्ध है! DNS कैसे काम करता है और Quad9 आपको कैसे बेहतर सुरक्षा और गोपनीयता प्रदान कर सकता है, इसके बारे में और अधिक जानने के लिए अभी देखें...मुफ्त में!  

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