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Quad9 Connect Now Available On Google Play

Quad9 Connect now available on Google Play

We are delighted to announce the open release of Quad9 Connect - a mobile app allowing the more than 2.5 billion global users of smartphones built on Android to use our free security and privacy-driven recursive DNS service to block access…

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DNSCrypt And More DOH Support Live (via Dnscrypt)

DNSCrypt and more DOH Support Live (via dnscrypt)

  DNSCrypt Support The Quad9 project treats user privacy as a first-order priority along with performance and security. Part of the concept of privacy is keeping others from seeing what DNS requests you are sending. Encryption using DNS-over-TLS has been…

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Enable Private DNS Using Quad9 On Android 9

Enable Private DNS using Quad9 on Android 9

You might have seen the news that Google released a new feature called Private DNS mode in Android 9 Pie. This new feature makes it easier to keep third parties from listening in on the DNS queries coming from your device…

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DNSCrypt Now In Testing

DNSCrypt Now in Testing

The Quad9 project treats user privacy as a first-order priority along with performance and security. Part of the concept of privacy is keeping others from seeing what DNS requests you are sending. Encryption using DNS-over-TLS has been part of Quad9’s…

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Quad9: DNS कैसे काम करता है

Quad9: DNS कैसे काम करता है

हमारा Quad9 वीडियो अब हिंदी में उपलब्ध है! DNS कैसे काम करता है और Quad9 आपको कैसे बेहतर सुरक्षा और गोपनीयता प्रदान कर सकता है, इसके बारे में और अधिक जानने के लिए अभी देखें...मुफ्त में!  

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Quad9 Needs Your Help To Grow!

Quad9 Needs Your Help to Grow!

We’re looking for success stories to include in our promotion of Quad9 to an ever-growing global audience. Our growth rates and worldwide user community tells us that the security, privacy, and performance that we offer is helping them, but we…

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12 New Quad9 Cities At The Edge

12 New Quad9 Cities at the Edge

By John Todd This week Quad9 added another 12 cities to our anycast array of recursive DNS servers, bringing the total to 118 locations! That brings our total new clusters to 18 since our launch in November. Stay tuned -…

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