Packet Clearing House (PCH), a founder of Quad9, has extended its relationship with France-IX through two new connections at France-IX Marseille as well as an upgrade to its existing Paris connections.
Packet Clearing House Increases Capacity at France-IX to Boost Quad9 Delivery
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多數人都同意資安防護是件重要的事,但要為此付費,對許多人來說總有一個跨不過去的門檻。因此,很多人就維持鴕鳥心態,等到真的中毒再來想其他方法。然而,有一間以維護全球網路安全為己任、透過非營利方式經營的資安專案Quad9,以免費提供資安服務的方式,希望讓資安意識較低的人,也能得到基礎的資安防護。 显示更多 English Translation
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